> I really want to run the Linux prime search software when I'm in Red Hat 5.2 (I'm 
>usually in Windows 98), but the program seems to have no documentation or information 
>once it's running.  I ran it for 4 hours once and had no idea how to close it.  I had 
>to use "kill," the only command I could think of to close it.  When I got back to 
>Windows, I saw that my work had not been saved.  I had set the option in Windows for 
>disk saves every 15 minutes.  Mprime and Prime95 shared the same data files, like 
>they are supposed to.  What's going on?  I'd vote for an mprime on an X-server.  I 
>want to see SOMETHING while the thing's going.  At least show me the iteration #, 
>iteration % of total, and seconds / iteration.

(could everyone please set their mailer to wrap at <80 charactors)

Try mprime -m 
then choose 6.  Test/Continue

It seems a bit odd that it didn't save work when it was killed.
I thought it was supposed to.  What signal did you send the process?
Try CTRL+C if kill continually keeps it from saving.

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