On 11 Oct 99, at 0:20, Steinar H. Gunderson wrote:

> >Surely the EXE. file (Red) is the one.......I now after grappling with
> >shortcuts and supplanting various files blah blah cant download any work
> >that I have managed to salvage from an exponent I have been testing for over
> >4 months...
> Could you please be a bit more specific here?
> Is your problem that the p-file no longer is usable? Did you extract v19
> into a new directory, or the same as v18?

Some of us have done this _lots_ of times on _lots_ of systems & 
haven't had any problems. I wonder if the problem is related to 
whatever software the user is unzipping the distribution file with. 
Assuming that instructions to unzip into the same directory (over-
writing the old files) are being obeyed.

v19 is known to be able to read save files from previous versions - 
unless the save file is corrupt - e.g. the system power went down 
whilst the file was being written, or two applications managed to 
write to the file simultaneously (which doesn't sound very likely?)

Of course, it's _always_ wise to back up directories containing "work 
in hand" before upgrading _any_ software, or installing anything new 
... just in case ...
> >O.K. I downloaded it...Version 19 is no faster than 18
> That would probably be because you're using a Cyrix CPU. If you had had a
> Pentium (or a Pentium Pro/II/III), you would definitely have noticed a
> difference :-)

Nah, there's very little difference on a plain Pentium either.
> >AHHHHHH....
> If you want a help interface, why don't you go off writing one yourself?
> Do the community a service, and never let anybody have to search the text-
> files again...

Constructive criticism is more useful. If you don't like the way 
something works, tell us _exactly_ why, and how you would like it to 
work instead. If an installation goes wrong, tell us _exactly_ 
everything you did, to what & in what order, also details of exact 
version of OS. If we can replicate a problem, we may be able to fix 
it. Given only "it doesn't work", that's a bit hard - when few of us 
seem ever to have seen any similar problem.

Brian Beesley
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