Thanks to all who answered!

At 10:23 PM 12/7/99 +0000, you wrote:

>Assuming the processor in your 233 system really is a PII, you would
>seem to have a slow clock (perhaps it's running in doze mode?

This seems to have been it.   <SOMETHING in the BIOS was slowing it down, 
in any case).   It is definitely a true P-II/233, verified by several 
benchmark programs.

>the BIOS settings & disable power-saving) or another application
>running at a normal or high priority chewing up the majority of the
>available CPU time (check the NT Task Manager, which can be brought
>up using CTRL+ALT+DEL when running a normal Windows session. Really!)

I'm nearly MCSE certified (one test to go), so this, I knew.... I'd already 
confimed that the CPU was popping at 100%, 96% or so of it by NTPrime.  It 
HAD to be underclocking somehow, and it was.   Dunno WHAT it was, but it 
was, because allowing the BIOS to save settings for "optimum performance" 
was all that was needed.

>Also check the processor type in Prime95/NTSetup Options. If you have
>set the CPU type to something else, then the clock timings reported
>by Prime95 will be wrong, since they're obtained from the tick count
>divided by the processor speed.

I wasn't going on that report.  (I run the NT Service version, so that info 
from the screen is not available in any case).  I did it by "doing the 
math" -- stopping the service to put a "progress report" into the 
results.txt file, then restarting it and letting it run for an hour, then 
restopping it.   Simple division with seconds elapsed versus iterations 
during that hour yields the time per iteration.   You have to do this for 
longer than a few seconds, though, to get a good report.  However, in 
addition to the overall slow performace of the machine while in use, this 
is what tipped me off, from my individual accounts report (edited to 80 
chars per line):

prime   fact current    days     date            date
exp.    bits iterat. run  togo exp. updated         assigned  computer ID
------- ---- ------- ---- ---- ---- --------------- --------- ----
8297941 63   4390912 91.8 93.7 60.7 07-Dec-99 14:30 07-Sep-99 SKYWALKER
8591381 64   6815743 60.0 14.9 60.9 07-Dec-99 19:43 08-Oct-99 PALPATINE

Palpatine is a Pentium/200 (not even a P-II).  Skywalker is the P-II in 
question.   All other machines are running at a normal speed, as well, but 
this one seemed a bit pokey...

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