>There only a slight error with your logic... For the exponent
11650000, the root is *not* 3413 bits long, but more like 5825000
bits long. Perhaps you forgot exponents add, not multiply.
Okay, next time I'll open my mouth a little wider, so I can fit both feet inside.
Sorry all, sometimes I put my mouth in gear before my brain is engaged.
>Who needs to? I have code which tries any number up to 2^95 as a
factor of a Mersenne number with an exponent up to approx. 600
million, using less than 1 KByte of code space and 32 bytes of data
storage. It executes in a time proportional to the logarithm of the
exponent - for an exponent around 35 million, it takes approximately
2000 CPU clocks i.e. 4 microseconds per test on a 500 MHz CPU.
My UBASIC is running thus :-
In 36 hours, tested 88855 exponents with all multipliers 1 to 2357. (and found factors for 8860 of the exponents).
88855 exponents x 2358 multipliers = 20952090 tests = 1616 tests per second = 618 microsecs per test on a P133.
Brian, I'd be very interested in a copy of that code, if you'd care to E-Mail it.
Dave Mullen

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