On Wed, Feb 02, 2000 at 03:56:01PM -0500, Vincent J. Mooney Jr. wrote:
>I am using WIN 98.  How do I set up an icon on the desktop to kick off
>PRIME95 (as I needed to do twice today when the dang computer crashed)?

The right thing would be putting it either in the Startup folder (on the
start menu), or by following this procedure:

1. Open the Prime95 window.
2. Select Advanced/Password, and enter 9876. (I'm not sure if you need to
   do this.) Click OK.
3. Select Options/Windows 95/98 service.
4. Select Options/Tray Icon.

If you set Prime95 up this way, it will run even if you're not logged in,
and automatically on system startup.

/* Steinar */
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