Will this P-1 factoring step take place ONLY before a LL test, or will it 
also be part of the trial factoring step?

The reason why I'm asking is because one of my machines is a dedicated 486 
to work on trial factoring only.  It has 16MB RAM.  The hard disk is *very* 
slow, so when it thrashes, my 486 is essentially rendered useless.

I would really like an option to turn P-1 off in that case.

As for memory, try the GlobalMemoryStatus() call in Windows.  2 of the items 
in the structure are dwAvailPhys, and dwAvailVirtual.  You can use that 

Also, a request:

I also have a dual processor system running GIMPS... therefore I have 2 
instances of GIMPS running.  Can you detect multiple processors in a future 



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