mikus wrote:-

>I've mothballed a middling-speed non-Intel machine.  That machine
>could have been participating in GIMPS, but I chose not to have
>it do so any more.  The reason - I resent feeling "pressured" by
>expiration requirements and contact-every-xx-days requirements.

I'm a bit mystified by this comment. I use a number of SPARCs for GIMPS
work. I just check out an exponent and return the result when it is
finished using the manual assignment pages. The last exponent I checked
out for a slow machine was 9519571. I expect that will take about 70
days to do the LL test. I certainly don't feel any pressure. I'm not
aware of any requirement to contact the server at any particular
interval. I've just checked my assignment status and the above exponent
will not expire for another 112.2 days.

My main problem is that one other system person has decided to start
running setiathome on several of the systems I've been using for
GIMPS. This really kills interation times. "Friendly" discussion
hasn't resulted in any solution yet.
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