Thanks to everyone for their help, the problem is resolved.  The basic
problem was an utter lack of L2 cache.  It made sense that L2 cache was the
problem but I could not figure out how to turn it on, because I had
experimented with nearly every concievable setting in the BIOS that even
smelled like it related to no avail.  Finally, after looking for a good
while for more specific diagnostic tools I finally just decided to update my
bios despite the fact that nothing in the change-log mentioned the caches.
Anyway, the external cache option suddenly changed from write-thru to
write-back or vice-versa (I don't remember now) and that solved the problem.
You would think FIC (MB manufacturer) would mention a defunct cache as a
bios bug.  Thanks again, I just thought I should mention it in case someone
else is affected by this problem.
-Conor McCutcheon

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