>Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2000 14:32:48 -0600
>To: "Vincent J. Mooney Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: Mersenne: Pi and Greek
>Disclaimer:  I am not a mathematician. It is a hobby. I am a cabinetmaker.
>I was not necessarily speaking in a factual, but a Biblical, metaphysical
>At 10:56 PM 2/10/00 -0500, you wrote:
>>Not so.  Read up on why pi was selected, by whom and when.
>>History of Pi by Peter Beckmann is one source.
>>At 02:58 PM 2/10/00 -0600, Dan wrote:
>>>I just found out that pi is the 16th letter of the Greek Alphabet. So this
>>>is more evidence for the theory that the numbers 4 and 16 are important in
>>>regards to pi and also to mersenne primes.


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