BJB wrote:

> Yes - I think we need this database - with or without savefiles,
> it's a waste of effort to inadvertently duplicate work done before.
> Since P-1 is deterministic (like trial factoring, but unlike
> Pollard's rho or ECM) you should get the same result every if you use
> the same limits on the same exponent. 

If your implementations of rho and ECM are not deterministic, I suggest that
you reimplement and/or get a working machine.

Running rho with the same iterated function and starting value on the same
exponent should give the same result every time.

Running ecm with the same limits and the same curve on the same exponent
should likewise give you the same result every time.

Indeed, rerunning a new implementation with the same parameters as an old
and (presumably) working implementation is one of the important ways of
debugging and tuning the new version.

The degree of freedom in choosing an elliptic curve for ECM is probably what
you're hinting at.  I'd suggest that a database of number of curves at run
each B1/B2 limit is still useful.  George keeps such a database for small


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