
At 08:40 PM 3/1/00 -0800, John R Pierce wrote:
>Hmm.  Microprocessor Reports has released some interesting tidbits about the
>new Williamette processor which will probably be the Pentium-4...  This is
>the chip Intel recently demonstrated running at 1.5GHz.

Intel has info on this processor at

The chip has good potential.  The new SIMD2 instructions have the
potential of doubling throughput.  It also looks like FPU operations can
be done in parallel with SIMD2 - that's triple the throughput of a PIII.
Not to mention running at 1.5GHz!

Of course, time will tell as to how good this processor really is.  There
could be other bottlenecks, it may not be easy to recode prime95 to
use the SIMD2 instructions.  The latencies for FPU operations are higher
than in the P-III.  The FXCH instruction is no longer free.  Mispredicted
branch penalties are higher, etc. etc.

I've not heard any rumors as to a release date, but it looks like I'll have to
buy two new computers in the next 12 months.  An IA-64 and a Willamette!


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