On 7 Mar 00, at 21:22, Nathan Russell wrote:

> I saw somewhere on the PrimeNet page that factoring time is weighted lower
> in the top producers list in order to encourage an ideal ratio of "about
> 10 factoring assignments for 1 LL test".  This implies that 9 out of 10
> factoring assignments do find a factor.

No. We want to balance time to run a LL test against time to run 
factoring divided by the probability of finding a factor. So the 
implication is that about 9 out of 10 factoring assignments _fail_ to 
find a factor.

> I have completed 3 assignments to
> date without finding a factor.  Am I just unlucky?

I would say that your chance of _not_ finding a factor in N 
assignments should be approximately 0.9^N - for N=3 this evaluates at 
0.729. However, random events like finding factors, arrival of buses, 
airplane crashes etc. always seem to arrive in bunches. I've had a 
P100 solidly crunching its way through factoring assignments for a 
good while now - it completes about two a week - once it went about 
three months without finding any factors, once it found three in a 

Brian Beesley
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