Hi all,

If you feel up to it, please give the beta of version 20 a try.  The QA
group has verified that the FFT code is working, but have not spent much
time verifying all the interactions with the PrimeNet server.

You can download it from
ftp://entropia.com/gimps/v20/p95setup.exe  (the fancy installation program)
ftp://entropia.com/gimps/v20/prime95.zip (a plain old zip file)

Remember to set the available memory in the Options/CPU dialog box.
Please report any bugs you find directly to me.

The whatsnew.txt file reads as follows:

New features in Version 20.0 of prime95.exe

1)  The program now does some P-1 factoring prior to running first time
     and double-checking Lucas-Lehmer tests.  This will increase overall
     GIMPS throughput.  If you install version 20 in the middle of an LL test
     the program will run the P-1 step if the LL test is less than 50%
2)  The Options/CPU dialog box now asks how much memory the program can
     use during the P-1 factoring.  See the "Setting Available Memory"
     section in the readme.txt file.
3)  Stage 1 of P-1 factoring is now faster.
4)  The GCD used in P-1 and ECM factoring is now faster.
5)  The Test/Manual Operation menu choice has been deleted.
6)  The memory options in P-1 and ECM dialog boxes have been deleted.
7)  The "send new completion dates" checkbox was moved from the Test/Primenet
     dialog box to the Advanced/Manual Communication dialog box.
8)  A bug in estimating time remaining for a factoring job was fixed.
9)  AdvancedFactor now writes a line to the worktodo.ini - just like all
     the other work types.

Have fun,

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