Brian J. Beesley wrote:
> A more general & more secure method of preventing the type of problem 
> exposed by this incident would be to have the server enforce a quota 
> for the maximum number of assignments issued to any user/computer id 
> combo in a particular time interval e.g. 20 per day. Yes, this could 
> still be got round by anyone determined to cause mischief by changing 
> the computer id and grabbing another bunch of assignments, but it 
> would be effective against accidents.
I would hope there would be a way to bypass such a limit as I have a dual
PII/333 system where one processor does first time LL and the other does
factoring--I was experiencing severe slowdown with two LL running.  I don't
connect to the net all that often with that machine, so I have a Work to Get
value of 90 days.  For some reason, I'm not allowed to get more than about a
month of factoring work.  It's starting to cut into my efficiency.  Is there
a way around this?

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