>From: Yvan Dutil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: Mersenne: GIMPS in Science News
>Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2000 14:45:22 +0100
>Well, I think the diffence of culture between the people of GIMPS and those
>of SETI@Home can be illustred simply by the comparaison of subject of


>between this list and  sci.astro.seti. This is the listing of recent
>SETI@home Online Newsletter                                             1
>Cmd line ver 2.4
>exe                                                                   2
>problems width WINNT CLI 2.4                                            5

One wonders whether this is a typo or a problem resizing the window.  Rather 
sad in either case.

>No more blinking
>icon                                                                2

>Exobiology and the Fermi paradox.                                      32
>BeOS client
>Command line 2.4 is "Doing basline smoothing." all          5

No problems with these three...

>!!!! HAVE FUN
>!!!!                                                                    2
>Fight Gasoline
>Prices                                                               119

Can you imagine how upset the people on here would be if there were an OT 
thread that got that many replies?

>ANN: SETI Spy 2.3.1 available                                               
>WINNT CLI 2.4 upgrade from WINNT CLI 2.0              32
>Clarification on "strongest gaussians"                                   3
>Win NT CLI version 2.4 still gets   wrong percentage      3
>SETI Monitor is ZDNet's pick of   the day!!!                      9

Another OT thing typical of Usenet... I might note here that the 's' in 
Microsoft should be lowercase.  I wonder whether that was noted.

>Ye Olde
>Scientists discover two new planets circling stars             1
>anybody know how to set up a     ramdisk?                           5


>Mac s@h
>Software Flaw - WHO DO I TELL                                       5

Sounds like some of the stuff I posted when I first got on, only about ten 
times worse.

>Problems with
>server                                                                  1
>A quick
>Problems with returning result (error -20;2)                       1
>2 cts about WU processing time                                              
>Missing switches in CLI S@H   clients                                 1
>This newsgroupe may not represent teh majority of users. maybe, 
>would do better.


>Yvan Dutil

Nathan, wondering how much it cost the Usenet server companies to pass along 
that "gas prices" thread.
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