Hello all,

This happened on my machine while switching from beta 3 to beta 4 is
this correct?

Starting P-1 factoring on M33237229 with B1=330000, B2=2640000
Chance of finding a factor is an estimated 4.08%
P-1 on M33237229 with B1=330000, B2=2640000
M33237229 stage 2 is 12.08% complete. Time: 1822.421 sec. (789108274292

And after installing beta 4: (Stage 1 was not redone!)

Starting P-1 factoring on M33237229 with B1=305000, B2=1525000
Chance of finding a factor is an estimated 3.58%
P-1 on M33237229 with B1=305000, B2=1525000
M33237229 stage 2 is 20.62% complete. Time: 1767.363 sec. (765268138179

Furthermore a feature would be very nice that it does not recalculate
the bounds 
without the users consent. (even if it violates the memory bounds)

The way to run the memory constraints on a dual machine is by the way
day/nighttime differently for the two cpu's as the stage 2 is only very
short, it does
not matter if that's only 4 hours (it can resume the next day anyway).
(i.e.) one has daytime from 6 pm to 6 am, the other from 6 am to 6 pm.
(real daytime from 19 to 23 pm might yield : daytime from 19 to 6 and
one daytime from 6 to 23)

Kind Regards, Martijn

George Woltman wrote:
> Hi all,
> The fourth beta is available.  It fixes a few more bugs.  See the
> whatsnew.txt at the end of this email.  An upgrade from earlier betas
> is not required, but it can't hurt.
> You can download it from
> ftp://entropia.com/gimps/v20/p95setup.exe
> or
> ftp://entropia.com/gimps/v20/prime95.zip
> or
> ftp://entropia.com/gimps/v20/mprime.tgz
> or
> ftp://entropia.com/gimps/v20/sprime.tgz
> Regards,
> George
> 1)  Another fairly uncommon ECM bug was fixed.  The bug caused "Factor does
>      not divide N!" errors.
> 2)  A couple of minor bugs in computing the optimal P-1 bounds to use prior
>      to a Lucas-Lehmer test were fixed.  The program now does a better job at
>      estimating the memory required in P-1 stage 2.  Finally, although P-1
>      stage 2 working set size is unchanged, the program allocates less memory
>      in stage 2.
> 3)  Prime95 no longer searches for a smaller factor when trial factoring
>      discovers a factor.  The reasons are two-fold.  1)  Version 19 had a
>      bug where stopping and restarting the program bypassed the search for
>      smaller factors.  Thus, my database may already be missing smaller
>      factors.  2) As we factor larger exponents to a deeper depth it may
>      no longer be a quick job to determine if there are smaller factors.
>      Note, that version 20 will still look for smaller factors if you are
>      looking for factors below 2^60 with the FactorOverride option in
> undoc.txt.
> 4)  The undocumented AMPM feature controls how times are formatted in the
>      Options/CPU dialog box.
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