I've just updated my mersenne.html page, mostly by adding a new
section of "quick links" near the top that point to other people's
sites, including a new one for the factoring status of Fermat numbers
maintained by Jocelyn Larouche.

I also updated the data on M(M(p)) factoring progress and added a link
pointing to the new Fermat number page from it as well.  The only new
data is from Tony Forbes, I believe.

Lastly, a bug in my update scripts that affected the contents of the
DB.nf file has been fixed.  DB.nf lists the trial factoring progress
for all Mersenne numbers with prime exponents that are known to be
composite but for which we have no known factors.  The bug caused some
exponents that should have been included to be skipped, including


http://www.garlic.com/~wedgingt/mersenne.html   Mersenne number info, software
http://www.garlic.com/~wedgingt/MMPstats.txt    Data on M(M(p)) factoring
http://www.garlic.com/~wedgingt/mersdata.tgz    Data on M(n), tar'd & gzip'd
http://www.garlic.com/~wedgingt/mersdata.zip    Same, zip'd
Unsubscribe & list info -- http://www.scruz.net/~luke/signup.htm
Mersenne Prime FAQ      -- http://www.tasam.com/~lrwiman/FAQ-mers

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