Brian Beesley writes (re. Mfactor):

> I found that Mfactor on a 21164 was significantly
> faster than Prime95 on a system which runs LL tests at 
> about the same rate. However the operational
> inefficiencies caused by driving Mfactor manually
> were outweighing this even before an improved LL
> tester for the Alpha platform came along (Thanks!)

Re. the manual aspect, Martijn Kruithof suggests

> We are talking unix here aren't we?
> You could make an input file with the factors (As you
> must enter them, including any stuff you must enter
> before you enter the first factor) and then run
> mfactor in the background
> nohup mfactor < input.file > output.file &
> then you can log out.

..which significantly eases the manual aspect, but not
the automatic reporting one.

I wrote:

> > I think the suggestion to have one machine (whether
> > that be a PC running Prime95 or a MIPS or Alpha
> > running Mfactor) do all the factoring needed to keep
> > multiple non-PC machines well-fed with exponents is
> > a good one, since otherwise, juggling factoring and
> > LL work becomes a pain.

to which Brian replies:

> Yes. Despite the inefficiency I find the best thing to
> do is to use an Intel PC running mprime/linux or
> Prime95/windoze to do the factoring. The point is one
> can simply take the worktodo.ini lines off PrimeNet
> (manual testing), change "Test" to "Factor" & stuff
> the file into George's program - without even
> bothering to check the factoring limits. Those that
> are already factored deep enough just get thrown out
> straight away.
> This is even more the case since v20 with P-1 factoring
> capability came out. Now one changes
> Test=<exponent>,<depth>
> to
> Pfactor=<exponent>,<depth>,0
> or
> DoubleCheck=<exponent>,<depth>
> to
> Pfactor=<exponent>,<depth>,1
> & waits for any neccessary trial factoring plus the
> P-1 factoring to be run.
> A P100 running (trial & P-1) factoring will easily
> keep a couple of PII-400s (or equivalent) busy running
> nothing but LL tests. The other advantage of doing it
> this way is that the the factoring system will report
> results to PrimeNet for you, automatically if you so
> choose.

Sounds like the right way to go to me, unless one has a
fast Alpha and really wants a thrills-a-minute kind of
ride. Note that the 21064 and 21164 are not as fast at
factoring as the 21264, but it seems a shame to have a
big fat L2 cache (the 21264s typically have 4 or 8MB)
and not use it (Mfactor gains very little in speed from
a large L2, since on the 21264, the 64MB L1 cache is
already big enough to hold a decently large small-primes
sieving table).

Come to think of it, factoring would be an excellent
application for a 21264 without an L2 cache, but I don't
know if they come that way (except perhaps in a
massively parallel setting, where the problem of
maintaining cache coherency in a multilevel cache
hierarchy often is nearly intractable). Then again, if
one turned a MP machine to factoring, GIMPS might soon
run out of factoring assignments, which would not please
those with 486s and other slower CPUs whose only useful
contribution to GIMPS is factoring.


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