Greetings all,

  Well, the response to the P-1 database has been overwhelming...
I received over a dozen respones with 2 hours of posting the
request to the list...

  I'm still in the process of collecting and merging data into
the database.  However, I hope to have the first batch of
data available on the Web by the end of the week!!

  In the meantime, I've run across a scenario for which I need
some information confirmed.  Not being a mathematician, and
only knowing a general overview of P-1 testing, I want to
verify my understading before I proceed witht he situation...

  I've run across a number of exponents that have been tested
multiple (>1) times AND meet a special situation.  The bounds
for one test have a higher B1, but lower B2, then another.
As an example (no specific case exists *yet*!):
          B1 Bound  B2 Bound
          --------  --------
Test #1:     10000  10000000
Test #2:     25000   2500000
Test #3:    100000   5000000
Test #4:     50000   7500000

  I assume that I would use both the B1 and B2 from test #3,
as it has the highest B1 bound.  I'm assuming this since we
want all the factors of k (from 2kp+1) to be less than B1 OR
all less the B1 except one which is between B1 and B2.  As a
result, the B2 bound is B1 dependent...

  Correct?  Wrong?  Let me know so I can add these special
exponents to the database...



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