Mersenne Digest         Tuesday, May 30 2000         Volume 01 : Number 741


Date: Fri, 26 May 2000 16:38:46 -0400
From: "keith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Mersenne: Overclocking

I have an athlon 700 with Asus K7V.  I overclocked it to 850mhz with 2/5
cache and 2.0 volts.  Prime95 runs flawlessly without errors, but there is
one problem.  It seems to run SLOWER.  The per iteration time seems to be
either the same or higher with it at 150mhz more!  I dont get it.  I thought
when your speed went up, the time per iteration went down?!?  Is it just
beacuse i'm overclocking that something is screwed?  Help!  Thanks.
- -Keith

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Date: Fri, 26 May 2000 16:59:57 -0400
From: "keith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: Mersenne: Overclocking

- -----Original Message-----
From: George Woltman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, May 26, 2000 4:56 PM
To: keith
Subject: Re: Mersenne: Overclocking

At 04:38 PM 5/26/00 -0400, you wrote:
>The per iteration time seems to be
>either the same or higher with it at 150mhz more!  I dont get it.  I
>when your speed went up, the time per iteration went down?!?

Did you change the information in Options/CPU?



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Date: Sat, 27 May 2000 07:12:42 -0700
From: Stefan Struiker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Mersenne: Server On A Road Trip?

Will the PrimeNet and Mersenne sites be down for the weekend?

Shunning The Blazing Sun,
John Donne

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Date: Fri, 26 May 2000 09:34:49 +0000
From: "Steinar H. Gunderson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Mersenne: errors

On Thu, May 25, 2000 at 07:45:50PM -0600, Aaron Blosser wrote:
> Pentium III 600's are kicking butt at LL testing...

Actually, the P6 family is better at factoring than LL testing, compared to the
vanilla Pentium... But we couldn't set all the PIIs and PIIIs to do factoring
either -- we wouldn't get much LL testing done...

/* Steinar */
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Date: Sun, 28 May 2000 10:14:03 -0700
From: Eric Hahn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Mersenne: P-1 Database

Greetings all,

  Well, the response to the P-1 database has been overwhelming...
I received over a dozen respones with 2 hours of posting the
request to the list...

  I'm still in the process of collecting and merging data into
the database.  However, I hope to have the first batch of
data available on the Web by the end of the week!!

  In the meantime, I've run across a scenario for which I need
some information confirmed.  Not being a mathematician, and
only knowing a general overview of P-1 testing, I want to
verify my understading before I proceed witht he situation...

  I've run across a number of exponents that have been tested
multiple (>1) times AND meet a special situation.  The bounds
for one test have a higher B1, but lower B2, then another.
As an example (no specific case exists *yet*!):
          B1 Bound  B2 Bound
          --------  --------
Test #1:     10000  10000000
Test #2:     25000   2500000
Test #3:    100000   5000000
Test #4:     50000   7500000

  I assume that I would use both the B1 and B2 from test #3,
as it has the highest B1 bound.  I'm assuming this since we
want all the factors of k (from 2kp+1) to be less than B1 OR
all less the B1 except one which is between B1 and B2.  As a
result, the B2 bound is B1 dependent...

  Correct?  Wrong?  Let me know so I can add these special
exponents to the database...



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Date: Tue, 30 May 2000 08:43:02 -0700
From: Eric Hahn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Mersenne: $7 Million in prizes


  This is a little off-topic (not completely tho), and thought
that I few of you might be interested in this...

  The Clay Mathematics Institute is offering $7 Million in
prize money to anybody who can provide solutions to any of
their 7 Millenium Prize problems ($1 Million for each problem).
The problems are considered to be the hardest and greatest
unresolved mathematical problems of the 20th century.
  They include:
          P versus NP
          The Hodge Conjecture
          The Poincaré Conjecture
          The Riemann Hypothesis*
          Yang-Mills Existence and Mass Gap
          Navier-Stokes Existence and Smoothness
          The Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture
     *This one deals with prime numbers and is on-topic...

  You can find out more at their website:


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End of Mersenne Digest V1 #741

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