Hi all,

In order to learn hardware before leaving for college, I have taken a 
full-time job at a local computer recycling place.  Since I will be 
attending college on a rather nice scholarship, I will have more money than 
I am likely to need in the immediate future; through my work, I will also 
recieve a 15-30% discount on hardware beyond the wholesale prices.

I am considering setting up 1-3 rather slow (P2-250 or below) Debian boxes 
in my parents' basement and using them for some combination of QA factoring 
and 'regular' double-checking assignments.

I would have to give them assignments via sneakernet, as my family uses 
dialup internet and I doubt they would want the phone tied up at random 
hours  as machines dial in to request new assignments.  Also, it would be 
tough, to say the least, to run phone cables down from the nearest jack, 
which is about fifty feet from the counter I envision, and down a flight of 
stairs to boot.

My questions for the list:

1. How difficult is it to set up Debian on a box of known specs?  Also, is 
it plausible that a box would run without intervention from August to 
2. Which type of processor, memory etc will give the most bang for the buck? 
  We rarely see anything beyond P2-250's, so I would have to pay retail for 
3. How could I get double-checking assignments that are big enough not to 
delay the project before I can report results in mid-December, and that will 
not require constant checkins before then (I am not sure that I will be home 
between about August 22 and the second week of December; we sometimes go to 
one of my cousins' houses for Thanksgiving).  Email from George is the 
obvious option; are there any others?

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