I thought had occurred to me with this prize that is being offered.  what happens if 
you work on a number for 6 months and then it is re-assigned to a person with a faster 
computer and their computer finishes the computation first and it is 
found to be a prime.  Who is entitled to the Prize? Does that mean if you have A 
slower 550mhz computer don't bother testing a 10 million number? If you do make sure 
you always check in because it can be taken from you?  On the same subject what-if 
you're the person the number is reassigned to and you work on a number for 6
 months  to find that it was a reassignment and it was found to be prime...I think 
with the longer testing time of the 10 million digit numbers the time between 
reassignment of those numbers should be much longer.  I personally have been running 3 
ten million digit numbers on Pentium 550's since September of 1999 and hardly 
ever even bother with the computers that are running them I have strictly devoted them 
to the 
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