On 27 Jul 00, at 0:04, Bruce A Metcalf wrote:

> Having made thsi change, the program now runs, but I can't get any
> response from PrimeNet other than:
>  ERROR 2250:  Server Unavailable.
> And a referral to a faq that recommends the same change.
> Any ideas about what I should try next?

Since it seems to be working OK for me, it's possible you have a name 
lookup problem.

If you have an entry for entropia.com in your hosts file (somewhere 
under the Windows directory, or in /etc on a linux system) try 
removing it, then try again. If you don't have an entry for 
entropia.com in your hosts file, or the above fix doesn't work, try 
adding the following line to it:   entropia.com

(Funnily enough the format is the same for both windoze & linux!!)

If it _still_ doesn't work, try tracing your route to 
using the traceroute tool in linux, or a suitable Windows utility - I 
use & reccomend the freeware utility "CyberKit" which can be freely 
downloaded from numerous places. The distribution file I'm using is 
just under 1MB in size, but I probably don't have the latest version.
You may find that you are being blocked at a firewall, at least 
traceroute will identify if this is the cause of your problem and 
also the exact point where the problem lies.

But my guess is that you have an incorrect DNS mapping for the 
PrimeNet server stuck in whatever name service you're depending on. 
In which case patching the hosts file will fix the problem - however, 
leaving you vulnerable to the same thing happening should the server 
change its address again :(

Brian Beesley
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