I went to check my account just on the entropia web-sites individual 
accounts report page. The default userid is challenge, I just hit enter 
without thinking and this is the report

>Account ID      LL P90*  Exponents  Fact.P90  Exponents  P90 CPU
>                 CPU yrs  LL Tested  CPU yrs*  w/ Factor  hrs/day
>--------------  -------  ---------  --------  ---------  -------
>challenge       745.440     7630     125.040     3848    6194.48
>Team leader    : Entropia.com, Inc. team account
>Contact e-mail : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Receive e-mail : NO
>Last activity  : 16 Aug 2000 19:33 UTC
>Account created: 09 Apr 1997 11:00 UTC
>   ------- Machines Assigned to PrimeNet -------
>Intel Pentium III     :      1
>Intel Pentium Pro     :      1
>---------------------- -------
>TOTAL, uniquely named :      2
>   ------- Exponents Assigned -------
>Assignment overdue check-in is set at 60.0 days (0.0 days to expire)
>  prime      fact  current         days
>exponent    bits iteration  run / to go / exp   date updated     date 
>assigned   computer ID  Mhz  Ver
>-------- -- ---- 
>---------  -----------------  ---------------  --------------- 
>------------ ---- ---
>  9354173     64   2165807   127.3 -31.6  28.4  04-Jul-00 04:54  17-Apr-00 
> 13:34  C08BFB643     500 v19/v20
>  9969943     64   2842932   146.7 117.0  82.0  16-Aug-00 19:33  29-Mar-00 
> 03:54  Idaho         448 v18
>Lucas-Lehmer testing  :      2
>Factoring only        :      0
>Double-checking LL    :      0
>---------------------- -------
>                 TOTAL :      2

Can somebody, anybody, please explain how 1 cpu @ 500 and 1 @448 can 
possibly equal 6194 hours per day!!!! I currently have
6 x p3-733, 3 x p3-600, 2 xp3-550, 1 x p3-500, 2 x celeron-500, 1 x p2-400, 
3 x celeron-366, 1 x p2-300 and 2 x p150 for I reckon about equivalent of 
2700 hours per day.

With maths like this no wonder I only rank 150......

Just wondering.


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