Andy wrote:

> I'm trying to compile the source code for Prime95 for a wintel machine and
> am slightly lost for how to do so. I have Visual C++, gcc, a86 and just
> about everything else.

The Linux version should compile without too much hassle, but you have to
remove the calls to the SEC5 function from the code, or put a security.h file
in the source base directory in which you

#define SEC5(a,b,c) 0L

In fact, this might be done automatically in the makefile, you can replace

[ ! -e ../security.h ] && touch ../security.h || true


[ ! -e ../security.h ] && echo "#define SEC5(a,b,c) 0L" >../security.h || true

(George, can this go the the makefile in ?)

Do not "make clean" in linux/, this will remove all the FFT object files! Only
remove prime.o, primenet.o and menu.o . Also, the GIANTS.H file is all
uppercase in the zip file so case-sensitive unix does not find it. Rename it
to giants.h .

I've been experimenting with the ECM code for a while now, trying to add
something to allow B2>2^32 and maybe computing the group order, so I've
compiled the source rather a lot recently. If you have any specific questions,
feel welcome to ask me, maybe I've run into the same problems, too.

Btw, I have never tried to compile the windows version, but the documentation
of the source mentions that this might be difficult to do.


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