Mersenne Digest       Monday, September 18 2000       Volume 01 : Number 778


Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2000 11:27:30 -0700 (PDT)
From: John R Pierce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Mersenne: Why do I get only double-checks

> I'm using a P3-500E box at college to run mprime.
> The relevant lines of the local.ini look like
> LastEndDatesSent=967023734
> RollingStartTime=968950008
> RollingAverage=4000
> CPUType=1
> CPUSpeed=500
> CPUHours=24
> How come I get given only double-checks to do? I don't mind too much -- the
> machine kills off a double-check in ten days -- but I'd be slightly
> surprised if the frontier of 'obsolete; use for double-checks only' had
> reached this one-year-old box yet. That Rolling Average figure looks kind of
> high, too.

your rolling average of 4000 indicates your computer is 4 times slower than
a 'typical' 500.  Wierd tho, CPUType=1 ??!?  s/b = 9 or 10 or something.

- -jrp
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Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2000 00:00:06 -0500
From: Ken Kriesel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Mersenne: Why do I get only double-checks

Setting CPU type in prime95 V20.4.1 and then examining local.ini,
CPUType=3 is a Cyrix 6x86
CPUType=4 is a 486
CPUType=5 is a Pentium
CPUType=6 is a Pentium Pro
CPUType=7 is an AMD K6
CPUType=8 is a Celeron
CPUType=9 is a PentiumII
CPUType=10 is a PentiumIII
CPUType=11 is an AMD Athlon

So CPUType=1 must be what, an Intel 80286?  (More likely an unsupported
If I enter CPUType=1 or 2 or 3, while editing local.ini, prime95 displays
it as a Cyrix 6x86.

RollingAverage=1000 means the system runs iterations at 1000/1000 the
expected speed
(indexed relative to George Woltman's PII-400 on a per-Megahertz basis)
Lower RollingAverage numbers mean lower performance.  Higher numbers,
higher performance.

Your P3-500 is performing much better than the lowly cpu type the program
thinks it is.
But it is given only double checks because the program thinks it's a much
slower cpu type than
it actually is, and so does the primenet server.  Make the CPUType in
local.ini match the actual 
processor type, and you can get first-time tests, and use code that's more
efficient for your cpu 
because it's what George tuned for it.

Options, CPU, click on Pentium III.


At 06:38 PM 9/14/2000 +0100, you wrote:
>I'm using a P3-500E box at college to run mprime.
>The relevant lines of the local.ini look like
>How come I get given only double-checks to do? I don't mind too much -- the
>machine kills off a double-check in ten days -- but I'd be slightly
>surprised if the frontier of 'obsolete; use for double-checks only' had
>reached this one-year-old box yet. That Rolling Average figure looks kind of
>high, too.
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Date: Sat, 16 Sep 2000 03:40:49 EDT
Subject: Mersenne: Re: A new series of Mersenne-like Gaussian primes

On 07/09/2000 at 18:27:23 GMT [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>Dear Mike and others,
>       This sequence is in actuality two sequences in one.  The
>first are primes of the form 2^n - 2^[(n+1)/2] +1 and the other are
>primes of the form 2^n + 2^[(n+1)/2] +1, as you have delineated.
>I direct you to the following URL which is the home of the Sloane's
>On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences.
>       You will find the sequences as numbers A007670 & A007671.
>Their addresses are:
>Hope you make use of this vital resource.
>Sincerely yours,
>Robert G. "Bob" Wilson v
>Ph.D. ATP / CF&GI

While happily acknowledging that the first 25 of these 33 (so far known) 
primes figure in that excellent database, I strongly dispute your assertion 
that "this sequence is in actuality two sequences in one". Why do you want to 
split the single series
s[n] = (1+i)^n - 1
depending on whether n = 1 or 7 mod 8 (i.e. s[n] is in the right half of the 
complex plane) or not?

Aurifeuille pointed out in 1873 [cf. Knuth, Vol. 2, p. 376] the identity
2^(4*m+2) + 1 = (2^(2*m+1) + 2^(m+1) + 1) * (2^(2*m+1) - 2^(m+1) + 1)
and to this day numbers of the form
(2^(2*m+1) + 2^(m+1) + 1) and (2^(2*m+1) - 2^(m+1) + 1)
seem to only figure in the literature as _factors_ of the supposedly more 
worthy-of-study Fermats (see Cunningham project, etc.). But this is to miss 
entirely the unitary nature of the Gaussian series of which they are the 
modulus. My argument is as follows.

Why is M[n] = 2^n - 1 an interesting sequence?

Consider M[b,n] = b^n-1, for b a rational integer.
For all n >= 1, this has the factor (b-1). So M[b,n] is certainly composite 
(for n >= 2) unless this factor is trivial (i.e. a unit +1 or -1), which 
happens in just 2 cases:-
b = 2, giving the Mersennes M[n]; b = 0, which is uninteresting.
Now consider G[c,n] = c^n - 1, for c a complex (Gaussian) integer.
For all n >= 1, this has the factor (c-1). So G[c,n] is certainly composite 
(for n >= 2) unless this factor is trivial (i.e. a unit +1, -1, +i or -i), 
which happens now in 4 cases:-
c = 2, giving the Mersennes, M[n];
c = 0, which is uninteresing;
c = 1+i, giving the new series we are talking about, s[n] = (1+i)^n - 1;
c = 1-i, giving the complex conjugate of this series.

One might now naturally be drawn to investigate H[c,n] = c^n - i, for complex 
c, but, remarkably, we get no new candidate primes, just some old friends 
For all n >= 1, H[c,n] has the factor (c-i), and so is composite (for n >= 2) 
unless this factor is trivial (i.e. a unit +1, -1, +i or -i), which happens 
in 4 cases:-
c = 1+i, giving the series (1+i)^n - i, which encompasses all the Fermats 
except F0, plus those M[n] and s[n] with n = +1 mod 4;
c = -1+i, giving the series (-1+i)^n - i, which yields all the Fermats except 
F0, plus those M[n] with n = -1 mod 4 and those s[n] with n = +1 mod 4;
c = i+i, giving the series (2*i)^n - i, which covers all the Fermats except 
F0 & F1, plus those M[n] with  n = +1 mod 4;
c = 0, which is uninteresing.

Are you not convinced that we have here just one (rather beautiful) new 

An appeal to all you guys out there with lots of CPU cycles: let's find the 
34th, 35th... prime terms - there's no reason other than machine time why the 
40th (e.g.) should not become the largest known prime. Send an email to 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] to receive a range of exponents to check out.

Mike Oakes
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Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2000 19:46:50 +0200
From: "george de fockert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Mersenne: primenet assignment question

Dear primers,

My 533 celeron which I configured for 4 hours/day has been given the
following assignment  (copied from status page and sorry for the formatting,
anybody knows how to install a fixed font for outlook ?).

 prime      fact  current         days
exponent    bits iteration  run / to go / exp   date updated     date
assigned   computer ID  Mhz  Ver
- -------- -- ---- ---------  -----------------  ---------------  ------------
- ---  ------------ ---- ---
  5627753 D*  63              37.8  -5.0  55.0  26-Aug-00 17:52  11-Aug-00
23:02  C274E1CE1     533 v19/v20
10356833     64               2.4  59.6  85.6                   16-Sep-00
07:37  C274E1CE1     533 v19/v20

Why ?
533 * 4/24 is below 100MHz equivalent, so I expect doublechecks.
Are all exponents doublechecked ?
This assignment will keep it busy for more than half a year, so it will
expire !

Even 4 hours is probably a too high estimate for my 'prime' computer time,
because during scanning, all CPU time
goes to waiting for my scanner, I hate polling drivers !

George de Fockert

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End of Mersenne Digest V1 #778

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