"If you are not well founded in the calculus there is precious little
available in the literature."(Quote from the book UNDERSTANDING THE FFT by
Anders E. Zonst)

I totallt agree. I bought this book because it states on the cover "A
tutorial on the algorithm & Software for Laymen, Students, Technicians &
Working Engineers"

Well, I am a laymen and I still can't follow this book. I haven't even been
able to understand even one complete chapter.

What ever happened to the teachers?  I have always believed that if a
person really knows a subject, he can teach it. He just goes step by step,
giving examples (in real number calculations, not greek and latin).

Can anyone help me find a true tutorial, book, or guide to the FFT? I have
looked at about 15 different Web pages on the topic and the only book I
have seen, on the net, that might present FFT's in a way that a layman
could learn from is priced at about $80.00. And from what I have seen and
experienced I wouldn't bet on this book either.
I am a good student when I set my mind on a subject. 



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