There are occasional announcements about overclocking various processors, and I know 
that some Mersenne contributors describe their clock speed as xxx@yyy where yyy>xxx 

However, surely this project is one where overclockers do more harm than good? When 
you're running your favourite game, it doesn't matter if a couple of incorrect 
calculations creep in, but the Mersenne project involves very long calculations with 
basically a boolean answer at the end. One wrong result during this time could ruin 
the answer. Now I know that the algorithms include a lot of error catching, but once 
the processor is run to the point of instability there could easily be errors in the 
error protection. (I'll try a probability analysis later... Basically we need the 
probability of one error occurring within a certain number of instructions of a 
previous error.)

My opinion is that it's better to have fewer correct results than to have the central 
database poisoned by loads of "don't think it's prime, but the user was overclocking" 
results, which of course cannot be distinguished from perfect answers. I'd trade two 
unreliable answers for one honest result. (What ends up happening is even worse. 
Mismatching checksums mean that the tests must be repeated until a consensus is 

A high score table is brilliant, and excites all contributors, but unfortunately a few 
seem more interested in climbing the table than in what the project is about. If 
people want to run overclocked, they should work on a project which isn't so sensitive 
to noise, such as SETI (okay, hardly an original suggestion here). SETI takes a noisy 
input to begin with, and introducing the odd bit of noise won't harm the results that 

People whose machines show any sign of instability at all should really stick to 
factoring, although these are just the sort of people who'll be issued with primality 
tests because of the apparently high performance. I'm tempted to say: go and find 
another high score table to climb.

So after all that, here's a suggestion: How about an error counting system in 
mprime/prime95? (Okay there might already be one but I haven't seen it mentioned 
anywhere.) Every time an error is detected, a counter is incremented, and the final 
result sent back to the server. An answer coming back with 200 errors might be 
considered less reliable than one with no errors at all.


======= Gareth Randall =======
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