Levi, does that GPhotoShow allow someone to use their own pictures? That's
exactly what I was talking about. If so please let me know where I can get

Some of you seem to misunderstand what I am getting at. I'm sure most
serious contributors don't want a screensaver (I detest them), but in a
situation where a friend or co-worker lets you install Prime95 on their PC
but just HAS to have one (especially a really slow one), I would like to
give them an option which:
#1 - is Prime95 friendly and
#2 - is easy to convince them to use.
The "personal photo slide show" fits both of those criteria wonderfully. I
know there are a lot of freeware screensavers available, and I know a lot of
them don't hog cpu cycles too badly, but if this is the best one for both
reasons above then we should make it available to those who can use it. I am
losing literally hundreds of P90 hours a day to screensavers but I can't
tell my friends not to run them because they'll just tell me to remove
Prime95 from their PC and that's even worse! You should all know by now that
there are a lot of people running Prime95 who couldn't care less about it,
but will let it run if someone asks.

OK so I'm anal-retentive about optimization. Sorry :-)


-----Original Message-----
From: Levi Broderick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tuesday, February 06, 2001 3:45 PM
Subject: Re: Mersenne: [screen saver]

>There's a rather good freeware screen saver written by Gianpaolo Bottin
>called GPhotoShow.  It's just a slide show with transitions and provides a
>*lot* of free CPU time in between the pictures -- I run it along with
>Prime95 on this computer (450 pII) and there is no noticeable slowdown in
>either program on any priority setting.  This could suffice unless a person
>wanted a GIMPS display integrated into the screen saver, though I'm not
>at all what there would be to display.  Just throwing this out to the list.
>~ Levi
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Steve" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Monday, February 05, 2001 10:38 PM
>Subject: Re: Mersenne: Re: idea for a new prime95 version
>> Excellent idea, Russ. I was discussing with Like Welsh the problem of
>> attached to their killer screensavers, and as he pointed out:
>> "But maybe they'd watch pic of their kids/dog/vacation instead? The
>> *particular* screensaver I was thinking of was the Photo Slide Show
>> Slap an image on the screen, wait 15 seconds, fade out, display another.
>> Lots of free CPU time between pics."
>> Certainly it won't work for everybody, but I'm sure there would be a lot
>> takers. Now, anybody know how to write such a thing? Could be released
>> the prime95/NT software or as a seperate item to be downloaded from the
>> site.
>> Steve Harris
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