At 04:21 PM 2/11/2001 -0800, John R Pierce wrote:

 > the P4 is likely gonna ramp up to 2GHz, 3Ghz and beyond faster and farther
>than AMD can ramp up the Tbird.

Yes, most Intel chips max out at about 2.5 times their initial speed, and 
they expect the P4 clock speed to go up by at least a factor of 10.

Examples (I think these numbers are about right):

8088 4.77 MHz -> 12 or 12 MHz, factor of about 2.3
80286 6 MHz -> 20 MHz, factor of 2.5
80386 16 MHz -> 40 MHz, factor of 2.5
486 ??
Pentium 60 MHz -> 200? MHz factor of 3.3
other pentiums ??

|          Jud McCranie                                     |
|                                                           |
| Think recursively( Think recursively( Think recursively)) |

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