On Fri, Feb 23, 2001 at 06:04:01PM -0600, Shane & Amy Sanford wrote:
>That is the kind of program you need to find for Linux 

I'm running lmsensors, but it appears like the values it reports are
somewhat off...

Anyhow, if the system is overheating, I'd suspect it wouldn't go from 70
to 25 degrees in a couple of seconds?

>it as if it were.  Suspect heat then voltage then double check bios 
>settings then reseat all your cables, ram, cpu, & cards then if it is still 
>doing it try a reformat.

A reformat, of all things -- now, how was THAT supposed to help when I'm
running Linux? (I haven't reinstalled Linux since I started using it
:-P Windows, on the other hand... ;-) )

/* Steinar */
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