At 06:05 AM 3/4/01 -0800, Paul Leyland wrote:
>Three weeks ago, I wrote:
>> The integer factoring people can always use more cycles, and 
>> even antique machines make valuable contributions in a reasonable
>> time.  For instance, I have small number of DECstations and a Sun
>> SS2 on my home network all running the ECMNET client.  These
>> boxes are perhaps as powerful as a 486DX2-66.
>A few days ago my DECstation 5000/240 found a 32-digit factor of
>Cullen(831), that is 831*2^831+1, with the ECMNET client.  Ok, so it's not a
>Mersenne number but the ECMNET server could just as easily be loaded with
>Owners of elderly machines should not despair just yet.

Speaking for myself, having completed over 260 factorings over 5 years,
with no primes found, I say that elderly owners of machines should not
despair just yet.

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