Martijn wrote:
> Another solution that will work: Have as default a 7 day check in period
> at most and only a grace period
> of 7 days (not 60). Let the user set the check in period to a higher
> value only via the expert menu and
> after results have been checked in. That way abandoned exponents get
> released in 14 instead of 80 days.
> Kind regards, Martijn

That idea sounds the least painful of all that have been discussed so far
(to me at least), and since the discussion of what people want in a new
version of Prime95 has also been floating arround... this sounds like a good
suggestion to be submitted.  It would not only take care of a problem, but
would also not be so harsh to those who own slower machines.  A win-win
situation from those points of view.  Great idea, Martijn!!

Best wishes,

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