
Please, ready your stones/curses/mail viruses ready - I'm quitting 

Well, not exactly. I plan on switching from GIMPS to 
distributed.net's search for Optimal Golomb Rulers for about month or 
two, and consider differencies and similarities of these two 
projects. If you're interested why I'm switching - please, read on, 
if not - please, answer my (easy) question and you're free to read 
other mail. ;?)

Question: from reading readme.txt I understood that when I select 
Advanced | Quit GIMPS tomorrow night (after the end of the M11567513 
test) I'll return all the queued work, but still be able to rejoin 
GIMPS at a later time, right?

Reasons I started looking for another distributed project (in no 
particular order):

- LL tests take a long time to complete. Current exponent will take 
four months on my machine - a little too much for me. Yes, I know, I 
can do double checks of factor, but, let's face it - _for me_ double 
checks are not *that* thrilling, and only 10% of factoring time is 
'counted' (right?).

- Errors. I recently added some more RAM to my computer, and the 
first module I bought was bad - before I managed to run the torture 
test it affected (or not) my four months of searching with 
sum(inputs) != sum(outputs) and round off errors. It was my mistake 
(I should've turned Prime95 off before inserting the new RAM), but it 
was unreversable.

- Ranking. Well, distributed.net's way of counting work is much more 
'sexy' - in distributed.net I'll be returning work much more often, 
and I'll get credited for it every day. Maybe if PrimeNet could count 
every iteration (and switch for daily, instead of hourly, statistics -
 there are reasons for doing it), or we could come with some other 
way to credit work more often...

- Money. No, I'm not in it for money - OGR is the only 
distributed.net's project that has no cash prize. At least that 
much... ;?)

Any comments to above are welcome - I'm not going to quit reading 
GIMPS mailing list (at least not it the list moderator decides to 
unsubscribing me). ;?)

I'll try to write a letter in a month or two with my thoughts about 
differencies between GIMPS and OGR search.

-- Shot

-----------------------------------------------> http://shot.prv.pl/
GCS/CC/IT/O d- s:>+: a-->? C++(+++) ULS P+ L(+) W++>$ N>++ w(--)
PS+(++) PGP- t 5 X- R tv- b++>+++ DI D G++ e>* h-->--- r++>+++ y+**
---------------------> Geek Code Decoder: http://www.ebb.org/ungeek/
I think there is a world market for maybe five computers.
-- Thomas Watson, IBM chairman, 1943

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