Sorry, Russell...  I intended this to go to the list:

Russel Brooks wrote:
> Nathan Russell wrote:
> > I have noticed significantly better Prime95 times here at school than I
> > did at home.  On a hunch, I checked the hardware lists on the web, and I
> > have what by all accounts is a software modem.
> >
> > Both to get the Prime95 times at home back up, and since I plan to put
> > on a dual boot, I would like to get a hardware modem.  My questions for
> > the list:
> >
> > Are hard PCI modems available?
> Is your software assisted modem online all the time?  I wouldn't think
> it should affect prime when you're offline.  (Should it?)

No, it doesn't.  Heck, if it did, it'd affect it here at school, since I
still have it installed.  

What I HAVE noticed is that when I have nothing running but the usual
system things and my virus scanner, I'm getting timings around .405 or
.406.  With those things and NS at school, it's in the range of
.425-.430.  With NS running at home, I've seen timings up in the range
of .440-.460; additionally, I recall that when I was doing FTP and other
things that should have taken little CPU, but strained the connection,
the timings were still pretty bad.  

> If you don't have to have an internal modem get yourself an external
> modem and drive it with a serial port.  I love the ability to SEE the
> modem lights (is it still online?  is data flowing?) and also the
> ability to reset the modem without having to reboot the whole pc.

That's a valid point.  Also, I can't help thinking that an external
modem would (slightly) help with any future overheating issues (which
hasn't been a problem so far, running Prime 24/7 except during reboots
for the last 2 months).  And, of course, the cost factor, as well as the
ability to have a free slot if I ever need to put something in at

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