>From: Nathan Russell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >From time to time, we also download new versions of the Juno software to
> >bring your version up to date, and we expect to download new scientific
> >software from time to time as part of the Juno Virtual Supercomputer 
>NO mention of security, NO mention of encryption, targeted to Windows
>9x users - truly impressive.

Lets face it, the average juno user is no techno guru.   They just want net 
access for free.   I doubt this was intended to be a technical overview, and 
if it was, it would just blow away the intended audience.   I think it is 
kinda neat to see distributed computing breaking into the world of the 

> >"Do I have to leave my computer on all day?"
>I wonder how the costs connected with doing so (electricity, air
>conditioning in the summer, possible damage to extremely overclocked
>systems) compare with the cost for a minimal dialup account - or for
>that matter with switching to excite, bluelight, ifree, netzero, or
>one of the other adware ISPs.

   Waitaminute.   All of us here do this voulentarily, and for free.   Don't 
even think about justifying that with the prize money, I know how long you 
have been around!   Also, how many people do you know that have extremely 
overclocked systems but cannot, or do not, afford a decent net account?

> >The only time your computer might initiate a connection is if a
> >computational problem is downloaded to your computer when you establish 
> >connection to Juno's central computers, then don't dial in again for a 
> >time.
>Fourth mention of "downloading to" client computers.  I doubt this is
>just confusion - 'downloading' is usually something web users do

Not to mention calling banner ad images programs!

Brian Peltzer

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