
linux users should have no problem automatically starting mprime with 
a delay. Just stick "sleep n && " in front of whatever command you 
use to start mprime; this will cause a delay of n seconds before 
mprime starts up.

For Windows users (Win 9x/ME/NT/2000), I have written a small program 
which delays n seconds ( 0 < n <= 300 ) then runs an arbitary 
command. Download (18.6 KBytes)
unpack it & move the executable to some folder mentioned in your 
execution path - C:\Windows\Command works on most Win 9x systems. 
Then change the command line (but nothing else) in the shortcut in 
the startup folder which causes Prime95 to run; precede the existing 
command with "DelayRun n ", (NB the quotes are not needed, but the 
spaces are!) where n is the number of seconds you want to elapse 
before Prime95 is started.

DelayRun may be used to launch _any_ program after a suitable delay.
It remains resident until the invoked command terminates, but will 
consume no resources. I'd prefer to avoid that, but the C library on 
my old version of Visual C++ seems to be broken & the "exec" family 
of routines doesn't work as advertised.

If it is invoked with a "ridiculous" delay interval or no command 
follows, DelayRun simply prints usage hints and exits.

Note that the total maximum length of the command line is 127 
characters. Apart from that, there should be no limitations on the 
use of the DelayRun program.

I have placed the program in the public domain, waiving all 
intellectual property rights.

I hope that DelayRun will be of some use to those requiring this 
facility pending the release of a version of Prime95 with a built-in 
startup delay option.

Brian Beesley
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