> 6) Finally, the result can be submitted using the PrimeNet manual
> assignment form - or, since you will be using Prime95 or mprime, you
> could copy a very late Pnnnnnnn save file to the connected system
> using "sneakernet", add the assignment line back into its
> worktodo.ini file _at the beginning_ then stop & restart the client
> so that the last few iterations are run on the connected system (as
> well as the unconnected system) & the result sent automatically. This
> latter method is a bit messier but does let you get the CPU credit.

George and/or Steve would probaby roll over in their ... well, not a grave
since they're both quite alive...

Here's what I do.  I just copy the prime.spl file from my non-connected
machine to my connected machine, and it'll send the result from that one.
No muss, no fuss.  Your credit screen shows that the machine you connected
from is actually the one that did the work, but oh well.

I only know this because my home network is currently lacking it's DSL
connection (darn Telocity!) so I dialup from another machine and copy
results from each of my 6 other boxes.  Of course when my DSL works, it all
goes through a router.

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