Hi all,

        My Celeron-633 arrived two weeks ago and good news it
easily overclocked to 950.

        The Celeron 2 core is the same as the Pentium 3 core.  These
both support memory prefetch hints.  I've added these hints to prime95
and am getting about a 20% performance boost.

        Since many mailing list readers want access to these improvements
I'm making another pre-release of v21 available.  This pre-release has not gone
through Ken Kriesel's rigorous QA suite (it's been through a very quick
check).  While, I'm fairly confidant this version will produce good results,
you have been forewarned.  You can download it at
ftp://mersenne.org/gimps/p95v21a.zip  This is the executable only,
replace the prime95.exe from the v20 release with this new executable.

        There is still no timetable for the official v21 release.  I may be able
to squeeze out a few more percent, there are new features to add, QA, etc.

        Now the bad news.  The Athlon also supports these memory prefetch
instructions but the one user who tried it reported no gain.  Also, the new
executable may also be slightly slower on the P-II and Celeron 1 as it must
ignore these prefetch instructions.

        Are there any Athlon owners that would like to take a crack at
optimizing the v21 source so that Athlon owners can enjoy a speed boost too?
Alternatively, are there any Athlon owners in the Orlando area that might
be willing to let me use their machine sometime in the next month?

Have fun,

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