-----Original Message-----
From: Alexander Kruppa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 04 September 2001 17:48
Subject: Re: Mersenne: M727 factored!

>Frank Solensky wrote:
>> > I have what's probably a silly question.
>> >
>> > You wrote this:
>> > >  M727 - 94.3716% probability - 2 factors
>> > >  M727 - 52.8693% probability - 3 factors
>> > >  M727 -  6.0014% probability - 4+ factors
>> I assumed it was that they aren't mutually exclusive -- "2 factors"
>> have been "2+ factors" instead.
>Thats what I first thought, but then 2+ factors should have been 100% as
>we knew that M727 is not prime.

All of the probabilities are either 0% or 100%, so I would guess that these
are probabilities calculated on some heuristic basis which did not take the
result of the LL test into account.

Presumably we can multiply each of the above by 100/94.3716 to incorporate
this additional information.


Daran G.

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