Yesterday I was assigned M7027303 to doublecheck.  The number came with the
claim that it had no factors less than 62 bits.  But my P-1 factorization of
the number found this 55-bit factor:

[Sun Sep 30 13:53:26 2001]
P-1 found a factor in stage #1, B1=35000, B2=463750.
UID: dswanson/nosnawsd, M7027303 has a factor: 31090234297428433

I thought this was mighty peculiar, so I stuck "Factor=7027303,0,0" into my
worktodo file to force a complete refactorization of the number.  Sure
enough, about three minutes later out pops the result:

[Sun Sep 30 15:06:10 2001]
UID: dswanson/nosnawsd, M7027303 has a factor: 31090234297428433

Somebody wasted a lot of time doing a first-time LL test on this number.

Does anybody have any idea how common factoring errors might be in the
"exponents not factored" database, particularly since doublechecks are not
commonly done on the factoring results?


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