
The strange thing is, that we installed firedeamon and prime95 by hand.
If it worked properly, it would be the candidate for the image. Hence it
is a normal win 2000 installation (this one is from an image) on where
we installed firedeamon and prime95.

We did the same on a (slightly) different installation one week ago,
where it worked properly. On that version some minor changes were
necessary (different login screen (that no ctrl-alt-del is necessary),
newer printer driver). The fact, that it worked on a older installation,
but not any more on the new one, indicates, that a detail in the
windows installation might cause the problem that some parts of the
memory were overwritten during the logout.

The user interface is quite desirable, but if no solution can be found,
we have to use the nt version instead.

Reto & Werner

> From: "Carleton Garrison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Mersenne: Re: Problems with Firedeamon and Prime95
> The NT service version looses a lot of Prime95 interactivity, that's why
> Firedaemon is preferable.
> I do know that if it is running invisible and you are unable to interact
> with it, you can uninstall/remove the Prime95 service from Firedaemon,
> reboot and get interaction again, from which point you can Prime95 service
> install again.
> I don't know, it is hard to tell.  I don't think your problems happen when
> doing it by hand, so something must be wrong with the image?
> Carleton Garrison,
> #105 www.teamprimerib.com

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