George Woltman wrote:

    My computer has completed its unofficial verification.  It checked out!
GIMPS' fifth prime - and just as exciting as the first one.

    Congratulations and thanks to all GIMPS contributors.  Everyone
of us had a hand in this remarkable find!

    Now comes the hard part - waiting for the official verification due
around Dec 6th.

Nice work, everyone! It's been nearly two-and-a-half years since the last
one, which is a long wait by Internet project standards (excluding SETI.)

A note of explication about the "official verification," which is being run
by Paul Novarese of Compaq on a 667MHz Alpha ev67 using my Mlucas
code (in fact a new version thereof which shall be released soon) - Paul
is getting about the same per-cycle throughput as George gets using
Prime95 on his P4, but since Paul's Alpha only runs about half as fast
as George's P4, it will take about twice as long to complete the verification.
Guillermo Ballester Valor is also doing a pair of DC's using his Glucas code -
one on an 800MHz Itanium, the other on a 1GHz Alpha ev68. Both of these
runs also get about the same per-cycle performance as the aforementioned
codes, so the latter run could be done a week sooner than Paul's, but GBV
is doing his DC's on Compaq's publicly available testdrive machines, which
have been unavailable since middle of last week, so it's not clear by how
much (if any) his DC's will be set back by this. In any event, please don't
go rioting in the streets; after over 2 years, another 9-10 days (hopefully)
won't kill anyone, except perhaps the lucky discoverer. :)

Now I just have to figure out where I'm going to hang the next prime poster,
which is going to be a whopper. Perhaps it can be printed as a diptych
( = 2 equal-sized sheets), which would make framing and transport easier.

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