> This might run anything;  but I'm probably to stupid to manage to set
> up anything on it. :-/ Can anyone use this machine as is for any
> purpose related offcourse to primechruncing?

If the system has a C compiler, you can certainly run LL tests
using Glucas. 
     No C compiler; not even man-pages. But some cute system called SMIT
which can do quite many things. :-)
Building Glucas is dead easy. If you don't have a C
compiler, you can almost certainly install gcc, though this is more
complicated and a lot more work than building Glucas. In any case
you would probably find a R6000 AIX binary version of Glucas if you
asked, or someone out there with a similar system who would build
one for you.

     I go for both; Does any one has a glucas binary for RISC/6000 AIX?

I don't know how fast the system might be, but there is plenty of
work even for slower systems.

    I believe it to be 300 Mhz; And it was at least once some kind of a
"mainframe". BTW I got it for only  $ 15! And _yes_  I got slow machines
(an -486 80 mhz requering appr. 9 months to complete a 65 bit

Best regards 

Torben Schlüntz






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