----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, December 01, 2001 8:02 PM
Subject: Re: Mersenne: M#39 news!

> ...I would have expected
> George's initial announcement to say "over 4 million digits" rather
> than "well over 3.5 million digits" (which would nevertheless be
> true!).

Or he might have said "nearly 4 million digits" which would also have been

> Of course I could simply be misreading George's mind -
> possibly if he had said "over 4 million" it would have narrowed the
> field sufficiently to make identification easy.

I fear that this may be the case, given what various people have been able
to dig out of what has been said.


> I would strongly suggest that procedures are changed so that the
> next time a Mersenne prime is discovered, no information at all is
> released except to prior discoverers of Mersenne primes...

As a matter of interest, why should prior discoverers be so privileged?


> Irritated

Yes, I rather feel the same.  It's like enjoying the build-up to Christmas
only to find that someone's open your present five days ahead of time.

> Brian Beesley

Daran G.

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