
Time to play a little with the stats again. I made a graph of the amount 
of participating machines based on the following new definition:

Blue line: a pc is participating on the day it checked in a result and 
all days in between the first and last time it checked in a result if it 
checked in more than one result. A result can either be a LL test or a 
factor found.
Purple line: a pc is participating if it checked in at least one result, 
the period is extended up to the last day it reported progress on a new 
assignment to the server.

The image can be viewed at:

(day 291 is the day of the last server synchronization, day 680 is this 
Saturday, the stats are based on cleared.txt and status.txt)

The program to monitor progress on factoring work done has had a little 
update. The graph of this weekend can be found at:

The program to create this graphic now shows an empty screen immediately 
when started, shows the lower and upper border after the first pass and 
all elements when processing is completed. This makes it look more 
responsive than the previous version. The Delphi sourcecode in the 
zipfile can be trown away if not wanted. To use the program run the 
'decomp -n lowerlimit upperlimit' utility first. The program can be 
found at:


Henk Stokhorst

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