
Just wanted someone to verify that this isn't deliberate behaviour before 
submitting it as a bug (maybe I just have):

Using mprime 21b on Linux:

1. On client machine, I specify a remote HTTP proxy in the correct config file. 
The proxy is on my local subnet.
2. I get "You are not connected to the Internet. Will try again"
3. If I then add a *default* route on the client, communication works fine via 
the proxy.

So. the test order should be changed to:
1. If using proxy, is that reachable? If not, give error.
2. Else, is primenet server reachable? If not, give error.

but at the moment it appears to be:
1. If default route not present, give error.

Presumably most users with several machines will have encountered this?


======= Gareth Randall =======

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