Steve Harris wrote:
> There is already a feature which does effectively the same thing. Set
> 'InterimFiles=1000000' in prime.ini and it will write a save file in the
> working directory with a sequential extension every million iterations (or
> however often you set it). You must manually edit the prime.ini file, it's
> not a menu option.

Maybe we could have another option, "InterimKeep=x" or such, that only
the last x files are kept?

Does Prime95 delete the interim files after successfully completing an
exponent? If not, that might be enabled with another option, or by some
logic that cleans up files in excess of InterimKeep even if they are of
a previous exponent.

This should keep disk space usage unter control while allowing a good
chance of backtracking to a good residue in case of an error.

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