On Tuesday 26 March 2002 15:32, Markus Landgren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Hi,
> What settings should I use in Prime95 on a 1 GHz Duron? Since there is no
> Duron in the options menu I tried Athlon, it seemed like the closest
> choice, but the performance I get is not quite as good as I expected
> compared to other people's benchmarks (about 25% slower). Should I switch
> to another CPU type in the options menu? Or should I use
> CpuSupportsPrefetch or something similar in local.ini?

Try CPUSupportsPrefetch=1 in local.ini

Also try Prime95 v22 which has much better CPU detection code.
> By the way, my other machine shows up as "Unspecified type" in my
> individual account report, even though it is correctly set as an Intel P4.
> Did I configure the client wrong in any way?

Probably not. My P4 system appears to be shown in my individual account 
report as an Athlon. I think there may be a problem with the server report 

Brian Beesley
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