For Linux users wondering how to control the monitor auto suspend or auto power 
down, try:

xset dpms force standby


xset dpms force suspend

(See man page or --help for xset for more information and options.)

If you set this as a keyboard shortcut you can actually go into power saving 
mode instantly, which I haven't seen on windows (although I'm not up to date on 
the windows front!) As this is an X thing, I suspect it will work on other OSs 
as well as Linux.

I started using an old system of mine to heat an outbuilding, while running a 
prime program. I thought that rather than power an electric fire, I might as 
well get some work done for that electrical energy!

Robin Stevens wrote:
 > Better still, switch the monitor off when you're not using it :-)  I'm
 > amazed at work at how many monitors seem to be on permanently, not even
 > entering power-saving mode.  What a waste - at least a CPU can do something
 > more useful than providing visual entertainment for the spiders.

======= Gareth Randall =======

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